FAQs about Christianity
What is Christianity, and what is a Christian?
Most people think Christianity is a religion that tells people they're going to hell if they don't stop sinning (committing ungodly, unlawful acts). This is a huge misconception that needs to be restructured and made clear. God created us and he loves us infinitely, but our sin has separated us from him. That's why he sent Jesus to die for our sins so we can be reunited with our Holy Father! Watch this video to learn more.
Who is Jesus and why is he Important?
Jesus is the Son of God and a human who existed in ancient history. He was born of a virgin woman, therefore his father is God the Father. Of the holy trinity, (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) he is 'the Son'. He lived a perfect, sinless life, performed miracles, and healed people from deadly diseases. He started a movement of peace and love for ALL people, and the religious leaders hated him for it. He took away their prestige and they decided to hang him on a cross for his righteousness, however, he was resurrected 3 days later and was seen by over 100 people! He then ascended to heaven to be with his father but said he would return to take his people home! Amen Check out this video for more information.
What does being saved or being born again mean?
Being saved by Christ is the entire essence of Christianity. Believe that Jesus is who he said he was and that what the bible says about him is true, while also putting your faith in him to save you means you're on the right track. Once you call on Jesus to save you from hell by paying for your sins with his death, you will be saved! Once you're saved, you can get closer to God by growing your relationship with Jesus by reading your bible, praying, and attending church. These things aren't what saves you from hell, but they help you grow your relationship with God. This video also explains the reality of being saved.
Why should I read my bible?
You don't have to read your bible to go to heaven so why do it? The Bible is a collection of many books by many authors written over 1500 years and in 3 different languages. So, the Bible is a pretty amazing piece of history outside of its spiritual benefits. If you decide you want to learn more about God and his bible, watch the video below!
Why should I go to church?
You don't have to go to church to be saved, but it definitely helps grow closer to God and God's people. My pastor is one of my closest friends, always willing to answer my questions. Some churches aren't that way, but that doesn't mean the church is useless in the Christian walk of faith. Church is a great way to consistently worship God and learn more about the word of God all while being around people of similar belief. If you want to learn more, watch this video.